Helping Neighbors Open Doors
Progress OKC is a 501c3 nonprofit Community Development Corporation created to support and revitalize Oklahoma City communities that have experienced significant disinvestment.
Our mission is to strengthen and preserve the social and economic fabric in Oklahoma City’s underserved communities by engaging in programs and partnerships focused on housing stability, economic mobility, quality of place and education.

Support our efforts to advance opportunities in Oklahoma City
Progress OKC helps entrepreneurs, startups, and growth-oriented small businesses access affordable capital and strengthen their core business practices to grow their companies. Offering group and one-on-one consulting, we will be there with you through whatever stage.
Need help starting or
growing your business?

Interested in owning a home?
Progress OKC has homes on the market for families who face significant barriers to sustainable homeownership, a major vehicle for building wealth and economic opportunity.
Request information about financial assistance, housing counseling, and flexible underwriting

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Our strategy targets initiatives with local community momentum, where our added resources and services preserve and expand social and economic development.
Small Business Support
We support and empower small businesses through training and access to affordable capital
Provide a business incubator space
Kiva OKC Hub
Affordable Housing
We develop for-sale housing for low and moderate income residents, and special needs populations such as seniors, homeless individuals, and disabled individuals
We provide space for safe play and performing arts and other events
The Auditorium at the Douglass
Washington Park

Support Our Efforts​
As a nonprofit organization, we rely on community support, as well as federal and local funding, to help accomplish our mission of strengthening communities.
​​Progress OKC is also seeking funding from philanthropic foundations and intermediary organizations.
To help, please donate or contact us by filling in the information requested below.

Share Resources​
We are passionate about advocating for community development. Through collaborations with nonprofits, neighborhood associations and redevelopment programs we have led several revitalization efforts in Oklahoma City.
The Alliance of Economic Development of Oklahoma City
Culbertson East Highland Neighborhood Assoc
City of Oklahoma City
Chambers of Commerce
Commercial Districts
Community Action Agency
Employment & Training Alliance of Central Oklahoma
Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma
Neighborhood Housing Services Inc
Northeast Oklahoma City Renaissance
Urban Land Institute
Progress OKC,
a Community Development Corp.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
(405) 604-6780
(405) 232-8317