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"Welcome, We're Open" 

A webinar series for small business fundamentals

In this series of presentations, local BIPOC business consultants cover how to develop a viable business plan, build a following through media, and organize financial statements.






Decoding Community Economic Growth

How can the minority-owned business community in the Oklahoma City area enter into a new American economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? Progress OKC, a local community development organization and the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) have upcoming webinars discussing financial and non-financial entrepreneurial resources and broader ecosystem strategies.


“As we rebound from the pandemic, it is imperative that we focus on cultivating a resilient and inclusive economy,” said Maurianna Adams, Executive Director of Progress OKC, “When opportunities are available at all levels of the community, we can create economic productivity for the area as a whole.”


“It is crucial that that our region’s small business owners and entrepreneurs receive the support they need to bounce back from the pandemic,” Mark W. Sweeney, AICP, ACOG Executive Director said. “This engaging webinar series promises to equip our small business leaders with tools they can use to emerge stronger and ready to tackle this new economy.”


On Thursday, August 26th, Dr. Dell Gines, Lead Community Development Advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, co-author of the Small Businesses of Color Recovery Guide and a certified economic developer presented a 2-part “Effective Economic Development Through Entrepreneurship for OKC’s BIPOC Community” and “Black Entrepreneurship and Community Growth in Oklahoma City” webinar series. During these presentations, Dr. Gines discussed ways entrepreneurship can be leveraged for economic growth in Oklahoma City’s BIPOC community and economic and community empowerment through Black entrepreneurship in Oklahoma City.

Road to Recovery

The Oklahoma City small business community discussed the unique nature of the COVID-19 crisis, its current set of challenges & new opportunities for recovery. Mayor David Holt of Oklahoma City is a special guest.

Neighbor Chats

Neighbor Chats was a six episode video series highlighting diverse topics related to community development and on how to gain and engage opportunities to build community wealth.

Homeownership: How Assets Build Legacies


Home Improvement: How to Increase Value Through Beautification


Entrepreneurship: Generate Unique Ideas and Accelerate Wealth


Business Management: How to Navigate and Sustain Tidal Waves 

Creative Place-Making: Where Community Happens


Civic Engagement: Where Change Happens

© 2023 Progress OKC

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